The TVRA Committee would like to wish all our members, and fellow residents of Talbot Village, a very happy and joyful festive season ahead.
Let us all hope for a successful and prosperous 2025 to come.
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
(added 19/12/23)
More Buses have advised of their reduced services over the Christmas period.
Please take a look at the revised timetables by following the link below or by clicking on the picture opposite
(added 04/12/24)
(added 16/10/24)
Freshers fortnight started today (23rd September) and as a consequence there is a full complement of U1, U2, U3 and U4 services running again.
Strangely, if you have picked up the new More Buses winter paper timetable (issued on the 16th), the U1 and U4 are omitted, but to confirm, they are running.
A link to the More Buses online timetable is always available on our Community page (as is the route planner), but it is listed here too: More Buses Timetables
An added bonus, for the duration of the Freshers fortnight, all ‘U’ services to and from the University are free!!
As an aside, for those night owls amongst us, Service N5 has been re-introduced from Bournemouth to the University on Friday and Saturday nights (until 04.25am)
(added 22/09/2024)
(revised 23/10/2024)
Cigarette butts are the most littered item in the world. As part of a national trial to help reduce cigarette litter, Keep Britain Tidy are giving out free Butt Boxes.
Stocks are limited & supplied by PB Fulfilment. Please limit orders to two per person.
By ordering a Butt Box, you will be doing your bit to help keep litter off the ground.
Follow this link to order yours now: Butt Box
Or click on the picture opposite.
(added 19/08/2024)
(added 11/08/2024)
(added 24/07/2024)
(added 16/07/2024)
(added 12/07/2024)
Following the appeal by Talbot Village Trust and Nuffield Health, the much delayed result has been announced.
The Government Inspector David Cliff has granted permission in full for the applicants to build a private hospital and business park on Highmoor Farm.
The Inspector has also awarded recovery of costs from BCP Council but likely this will be subject to more discussions with the Inspectorate.
The Inspector’s report is lengthy but in essence he concluded that TVT & Nuffield Health’s application and subsequent appeal was ultimately compliant with the 2018 Poole Plan.
We will have to await further news on how TVT and Nuffield Health intend to proceed now they have been given the go ahead
(added 12/07/2024)
The result from the Public Inquiry in relation to the Highmoor Farm planning application was originally expected on the 28th May 2024.
However due to the upcoming General Election on July 4th, the result will now not be announced until after the election.
More information can be found at this link or by clicking on the photo opposite. A revised date has yet to be confirmed. This will be published on this site as soon as it is known.
(added 27/05/2024)
The chance to comment on BCP draft local plan has now passed, as the deadline has been reached. As you are all aware, Talbot Village and its residents will still be affected, as the land surrounding the village (particularly Highmoor Farm) is still included in this latest iteration of the plan (click on the picture opposite or this link BCP Draft Local Plan to see the plan – particularly page 68 to read the finer detail).
Thankyou to all those who took the time to make their opinions known.
If you would like to read what the chair of the TVRA, Jo Keeling said, please click on this Link or on the picture opposite.
(added 07/05/2024)
Slades Park has now been incorporated into the Parks Foundation charity. The aim of the charity is to enhance parks across the BCP area, so that people and wildlife can flourish in harmony.
Already a series of events have been organised to take place in Slades Park. For more details on events, please visit the link here or click on the picture opposite. Once there, select Slades Farm from the dropdown to see all the events at a glance taking place. Most are free to take part in.
The Parks Foundation link has been added to the Community page for future reference.
(added 06/05/2024)
Jo Keeling, the Chair of the TVRA, wrote to our local MP Conor Burns and asked for his help with the Highmoor Farm planning application. See the earlier news item dated 16/02/2024 further down this page about this.
Conor was as good as his word and wrote a lengthy letter to Michael Gove expressing his views and concerns and requested the application be called in (or recovered now it’s at the Appeal stage). Here is his letter to Michael Gove and the subsequent reply from Simon Hoare.
Let us hope the Planning Inspector and Secretary of State think the same way Eric Pickles did in the past and protects this area once and for all.
(added 23/03/2024)
The BCP draft local plan has been issued (to replace the Poole Local Plan that has been in force since 2018). Talbot Village and its residents will still be affected, as the land surrounding the village (particularly Highmoor Farm) is still included in this latest iteration of the plan (click on the picture opposite or this link BCP Draft Local Plan to see the plan – particularly page 68 to read the finer detail).
If you want to make your opinion known about this plan and any other issues, please take the opportunity to do this by following the Have Your Say link here.
(added 21/03/2024)
Hopefully some of our residents can help with this appeal that has been raised by St. Marks Church?
This old hall has been one of the foundations of the community for over 50 years, and as you can read, still plays a vital role for the children in the area via various groups such as Scouts, Brownies, Guides and a Mini Mice Pre-School.
If you able to help with any of the tasks outlined, please get in touch by contacting one of the Hall Users or via this email address:
Jo Keeling, the chair of the Talbot Village Residents Association, has already contacted Talbot Village Trust, to see if they can offer a grant to help fund some of the work that needs carrying out. You can read this letter here
(added 04/03/2024)
L’arte is going to be closed on Sunday’s from the 10th March 2024 until further notice.
Dan, the manager from the coffee shop, anticipates that the cafe will re-open later in the year, but for now there will be no opening on Sundays.
Dan apologises to any regular customers who do come in on a Sunday, but there is simply not enough patronage to continue opening each week.
Further announcements will posted here if and when things change.
(added 03/03/2024)
The chair of the TVRA, Jo Keeling, has been working very hard on behalf of all residents, to get the BCP Council to repair a number of issues that affect our village. Thanks to her persistence and perseverance, the street light between Marianne Close and Vine Farm Close has now been repaired, and the potholes down Gillett Road, near the University, have been filled in.
She is now awaiting an update on the street light on Fern Barrow, near the entrance to Purchase Road (pictured here before it’s demise).
If you are not a member of the TVRA, please use the Membership tab above to join. The more members we have the more powerful a voice Jo will have with the Council.
(added 27/02/2024)
Talbot Voices is a recently formed oral history group, consisting of about 15 volunteers, who all have an interest in the history of our village. They would love to hear from anyone who has stories, information or reminisces regarding the history of the village.
If you would like to contribute or get involved in some way, further details can be found on their Talbot Voices page under the Talbot Village Trust website – Link Here or by clicking on the picture.
There is also an email address that can be used to get in touch with them too:
(added 25/02/2024)
Glenferness Avenue is to be subject to more traffic disruption due to the further extension of the cycle lane network, and incorporating some drainage and road improvement work too.
Disruption is scheduled to start 22nd February for up to 4 months. For more details you can follow this Link to an Echo article or click on the picture
(added 19/02/2024)
Jo Keeling, the Chair of the TVRA, wrote to our local MP Conor Burns and asked for his help with the Highmoor Farm planning application. Within a lengthy letter detailing all the concerns about the planning committee meetings, she asked if he would speak to the Secretary of State Michael Gove to request that he call the planning application in. Conor visited Jo shortly afterwards and agreed he would help.
You can see Conor and Jo discussing the proposed Highmoor Farm development if you follow this Link or click on the picture
(added 16/02/2024)
Conor Burns has started an initiative to try and address some of the problems with the Town Centre, but also to address associated issues in the wider BCP area. He is asking for comments and feedback from all residents as to possible solutions.
Further details and the survey can be found by clicking on the picture or this link Build Bournemouth Back
Conor Burns related Newsletter
For those who are on Facebook there is an associated Facebook link
(added 01/02/2024)
If you are on Facebook and are following the local Facebook groups, Talbot Village Residents Association & Friends and Preserve Talbot Heath, Poole you will be aware of the ongoing Council / Talbot Village Trust / Nuffield Health battles over Highmoor Farm and the land it occupies. For those that aren’t, the latest Echo article has been added in the articles section of this page (lower down). Jo Keeling, the Chair of the TVRA, has made further comments in her latest newsletter to existing Members. This will be published on this website in a few weeks.
(added 29/01/2024)
BCP Council and Dorset Council are running a survey to gather feedback and experiences which launched on Monday 22 January, and goes to Sunday 3 March.
People are being asked what they think are the key opportunities and issues to help the councils develop a new joint Local Transport Plan.
Further details can be found by clicking on the picture or this Transport Link
(related BBC Link)
(added 24/01/2024)
Following the first Committee meeting of 2024, held on Monday 8th January, there is now an additional Committee Member – Caroline Davies.
Some of you may know Carrie, or at least have being served by her, as she works in the Village shop most days of the week.
Like most of the Committee, she has lived in the Village for 20 plus years, and brings lots of local knowledge and no little enthusiasm to the team.
(added 10/01/24)
(added 22/12/23)
The TVRA Committee would like to wish all our members, and fellow residents of Talbot Village, a very happy and joyful festive season ahead.
Let us all hope for a successful and prosperous 2024 to come.
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
(added 20/12/23)
The 2nd Postbox on the village, that fell down earlier in the year, is finally open to accept letters. The picture is slightly rain splattered, but hopefully you can see that Collections are 9am Monday to Friday, and 7.00am on Saturday.
As a reminder from the earlier post (01/11/23), it is now sited at the end (or start, depending how you approach it) of the cycle / walk way through the centre of the village. It is opposite Valley View and next to the dog bin and railings.
(added 19/12/23)
More Buses have just announced their Festive Period timetables for the Christmas and New Year Periods 2023 / 4.
Remember the University is on break from 15th December to 8th January, so there will be no U2 and U4 services during this time.
For full details of how services are affected, please click on the picture or click here
(added 04/12/23)
The changes to bin collections over the 2023 festive period have been announced by the Council.
The last normal collections take place the week commencing 18th December and do not revert to normality until the week commencing 15th January 2024.
Full details of collection dates can be found on the BCP site by clicking on the picture or clicking here
(added 03/12/23)
The first of the monthly running get togethers, organised by Dan from L’arte, took place on Sunday 3rd December.
About 15 hardy souls braved the rain and cold to this first, of what is hopefully a regular monthly occurrence.
All ages and abilities are catered for, so if you would like to join in a future event, please keep an eye on the upcoming events page for the next planned date. (added 03/12/23)
The latest TVRA organised litter pick took place on Saturday 25th November. As you can see from the photo, there was a good turnout of volunteers happy to spend an hour tidying up the village.
A good collection of litter was gathered and disposed of.
If you would like to join the next one, look out for future litter picks on the Upcoming Events page. Its a good way to meet some of your local community too (added 26/11/23)
Work has finally started on the re-development of White Farm in the woods opposite the University and near to Slades Farm. The work is likely to be ongoing for quite some time. For those that don’t know, it is being developed into sheltered accommodation for use by the charity Diverse Abilities.
Be aware, that if you do walk through the woods near there, particularly dog walkers, the ground is very churned up due to the combination of heavy machinery and the amount of rain we have recently had. (added 17/11/23)
Another discount has been arranged for Members in respect of Day Care at Richmondwood Care Home.
19, Richmond Park Avenue
From 2nd November there is 20% off fees. For more details, call 01202 511179 or visit the Richmondwood Website
Remember, all discounts can be found on the Member Discounts page
(added 04/11/23)
The 2nd Postbox on the village, that fell down earlier in the year, has been replaced. It is now sited at the end (or start, depending how you approach it) of the cycle / walk way through the centre of the village. It is opposite Valley View and next to the dog bin and railings. The postbox is not yet in use, but we will keep you posted (sorry!!) as to when it is active.
(added 01/11/23)
Great news for Members – from 26th October two new discounts are available on presentation of your membership cards.
All discounts can be viewed at the Member Discounts page
10% off all orders at Makisu on Gillett Road (Link on Community Page)
10% off all hair treatments at Redlocks Hairdressers on Kinson Road, Wallisdown –Redlocks Website