This Week's Bin Collection:

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Community Noticeboards are finally here!!

After 18 months of waiting, the 2 community noticeboards have finally been delivered and are in place as agreed.

One is on the grass opposite the village shop and Chemist.

The other is near to where the old noticeboard was on the cycleway through the village, on the green at the far end of Charlotte Close.

Latest news and events will be added to this shortly, so please take a look next time you are walking by.

(added 06/02/25)


Join Us for Exciting CommUNity Events!

TVRA are thrilled to introduce a brand new initiative brought to you by CommUNity – a partnership between Talbot Village residents and Bournemouth University. A whole series of events are being set up which will be packed with opportunities to connect, learn and grow together!

There will be a wide range of free sessions and activities throughout the year, designed to benefit everyone.

Please visit our brand new page CommUNity 2025 for more details.

(added 31/01/25)


Best Wishes for the Festive Season

The TVRA Committee would like to wish all our members, and fellow residents of Talbot Village, a very happy and joyful festive season ahead. 

Let us all hope for a successful and prosperous 2025 to come.

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

(added 19/12/23)

TVRA Christmas Party at L’arte

A very convivial evening was had by all who attended the TVRA Christmas party at L’arte on Friday 6th of December.
2 of our local councillors, Karen Rampton and Phil Broadhead, attended, as well as our local MP, Jessica Toale.
Thanks once again to L’arte for hosting the event and providing the food
(the picture in picture option works best for the video, found under the 3 dots, bottom right)
(added 07/12/24)

More Buses at Christmas


More Buses have advised of their reduced services over the Christmas period. 

Please take a look at the revised timetables by following the link below or by clicking on the picture opposite

More Buses at Christmas

(added 04/12/24)


Arts University Events

The Arts University always has a number of events ongoing, including many exhibitions and displays of student work.  
All from the village are welcome to attend anytime.
Whilst you are there, why not get a snack or a coffee from one of their campus cafe’s.
Please take a look at the video to see how creative the students are.
A link to a listing of upcoming events at the university is always available on our Community page, but is added below too for reference.
(added 04/12/24)

BCP Seasonal Bin Collections

BCP have issued their collection dates for Blue and Black Bin Collections over the Seasonal Period.  Please take a look at when your respective Blue and Black bin is normally collected and check the revised date on the table opposite.
(added 03/12/24)

TVRA Children’s Christmas Party

TVRA held their annual Christmas Party for the Children of the village on Sunday 1st December.  
A great time was had by all the children (and their parents).
A big thank you to all those that came along to help, Darren from Blitz Disco, and especially Carrie Davies for organising the entire event.
Photo’s of the event can be found by clicking on the link below or on the photo opposite.
(added 03/12/24)

Another Christmas present from BCP

Jo Keeling, our chair has just received an update with regards to the bus shelter. Cllr Karen Rampton has worked tirelessly chasing this for us and more recently backing resident, Bob Cooper, who kindly wrote to BCP after an announcement that Bus services in BCP will be given a funding boost.
The replacement bus shelter has been repeatedly requested since the new TVRA was formed. We have been told on numerous occasions to await the outcome of a police investigation which was highly questionable given they would have immediately known if the vehicle involved in the RTC was insured or not.
Regardless, the bus shelter will be replaced in early 2025. 
Thank you Karen for all your support. Thanks Bob for letter. 
(photo of the our other shelter)
(added 23/11/24)

A Christmas present from BCP

The TVRA Committee are pleased to announce that our Chair, Jo, has received notification from BCP today that both our much anticipated noticeboards will be installed within the next 6 weeks.  The eagle eyed amongst you will recall it was nearly a year ago that funding for them both was agreed, so its taken a long time to get to fruition!!
As a reminder, one will replace the old one on the green in Charlotte Close, just off the cycleway through the village, and the other will be placed opposite the shops on the grass verge.
A nice Christmas present from BCP!!
(Photo an illustration only, not an actual example!!)

(added 16/10/24)

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