This Week's Bin Collection:

Recycling: Thursday, September 19th

Garden: TODAY!!!

Latest News

TVRA Annual AGM – 5th September 2024

Despite the pretty poor weather, 33 hardy residents (and councillors) turned up for the annual AGM.
Full Minutes from the AGM will be added to this news item once they are available. In the meantime, you can read Jo Keeling’s Chair report here
As well as the usual agenda items (Agenda Here), Nick Dobbs was there as a guest speaker, to tell us about his own inspiration and back story as to why he became a Herpetologist, which was most enlightening.

(added 06/09/2024

Keep Britain Tidy – Introducing the Butt Box


Cigarette butts are the most littered item in the world. As part of a national trial to help reduce cigarette litter, Keep Britain Tidy are giving out free Butt Boxes.

Stocks are limited & supplied by PB Fulfilment. Please limit orders to two per person.

By ordering a Butt Box, you will be doing your bit to help keep litter off the ground.

Follow this link to order yours now:  Butt Box

Or click on the picture opposite.

(added 19/08/2024

St. Mark’s Church Summer Picnic 10th August 2024

A very enjoyable day at the St. Mark’s Church Charity Picnic. 
Lots of good music throughout the day and evening, provided by various bands and solo artists. 
A lot of the attendees brought their own picnics, but there were a number of food and drink caterers for those who wanted to purchase items.
This event runs annually, we found out whilst we were there. So if you like music and a good atmosphere this event is highly recommended.  Watch out for an Event Listing next year on the Events page for 2025.

(added 11/08/2024

New BCP Council Leader Elected

Following Vicki Slade’s election as MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole, and her subsequent resignation as BCP Council leader.  Millie Earl, first elected as a councillor in 2019, has been elected as BCP Council’s new leader in a vote with fellow councillors.
More details can be found in the Echo article further down this page.

(added 24/07/2024

Appeal for Tombola Items for the Children’s Christmas Party

Following last years very successful Children’s Christmas party, another one will be held this year (date, time and venue will appear on the Events page in the near future).  One of the features of the party will be a Tombola stall.  Carrie Davies is gathering contributions for this stall in the village shop, so if you have any appropriate items you could donate then please take them to shop when you can. The donation doesn’t have to be children based as it is a tombola for all.

(added 16/07/2024

TVRA Chair has written to Jessica Toale about Highmoor Farm

The Chair of the TVRA, Jo Keeling, has written to the new MP for Bournemouth West, Jessica Toale (Copy of Letter Here), to see if there is anything else left that can be done to prevent the Highmoor Farm development from happening (See the Latest News Article below).
Jo says “Whilst it may comply with the 2018 Poole Plan, Talbot village land should never have been in the plan in the first place, as it cannot be determined that building directly next to the Heath would not have a detrimental effect.
I also strongly contest the fact that an additional 1100+ vehicles would be a ‘mere inconvenience’ to everyone. I was told by our defence counsel that BCP offered no argument against that so the legal team had nothing to work with!
Needless to say I will continue at every angle I can. To say I’m devastated is an understatement.
As I said to the Echo reporter, I am truly amazed at the team work that has gone into fighting this. Proud to be part of a great community”.

(added 12/07/2024

Government Inspector’s Decision on Highmoor Farm

Following the  appeal by Talbot Village Trust and Nuffield Health, the much delayed result has been announced.

The Government Inspector David Cliff has granted permission in full for the applicants to build a private hospital and business park on Highmoor Farm.

The Inspector has also awarded recovery of costs from BCP Council but likely this will be subject to more discussions with the Inspectorate.

The Inspector’s report is lengthy but in essence he concluded that TVT & Nuffield Health’s application and subsequent appeal was ultimately compliant with the 2018 Poole Plan.

We will have to await further news on how TVT and Nuffield Health intend to proceed now they have been given the go ahead

(added 12/07/2024

Highmoor Farm Inquiry Result Delayed


The result from the Public Inquiry in relation to the Highmoor Farm planning application was originally expected on the 28th May 2024.

However due to the upcoming General Election on July 4th, the result will now not be announced until after the election. 

More information can be found at this link or by clicking on the photo opposite.  A revised date has yet to be confirmed.  This will be published on this site as soon as it is known.

(added 27/05/2024

BCP Draft Local Plan – Update

The chance to comment on BCP draft local plan has now passed, as the deadline has been reached.  As you are all aware, Talbot Village and its residents will still be affected, as the land surrounding the village (particularly Highmoor Farm) is still included in this latest iteration of the plan (click on the picture opposite or this link BCP Draft Local Plan to see the plan – particularly page 68 to read the finer detail).

Thankyou to all those who took the time to make their opinions known. 

If you would like to read what the chair of the TVRA, Jo Keeling said, please click on this Link or on the picture opposite.

(added 07/05/2024)

Slades Park now part of the Parks Foundation

 Slades Park has now been incorporated into the Parks Foundation charity.  The aim of the charity is to enhance parks across the BCP area, so that people and wildlife can flourish in harmony.

Already a series of events have been organised to take place in Slades Park.  For more details on events, please visit the link here or click on the picture opposite. Once there, select Slades Farm from the dropdown to see all the events at a glance taking place.  Most are free to take part in.

The Parks Foundation link has been added to the Community page for future reference.

(added 06/05/2024

Another Highmoor Farm Update

 Jo Keeling, the Chair of the TVRA, wrote to our local MP Conor Burns and asked for his help with the Highmoor Farm planning application. See the earlier news item dated 16/02/2024 further down this page about this.

Conor was as good as his word and wrote a lengthy letter to Michael Gove expressing his views and concerns and requested the application be called in (or recovered now it’s at the Appeal stage). Here is his letter to Michael Gove and the subsequent reply from Simon Hoare.

Let us hope the Planning Inspector and Secretary of State think the same way Eric Pickles did in the past and protects this area once and for all.

(added 23/03/2024

BCP Draft Local Plan

The BCP draft local plan has been issued (to replace the Poole Local Plan that has been in force since 2018).  Talbot Village and its residents will still be affected, as the land surrounding the village (particularly Highmoor Farm) is still included in this latest iteration of the plan (click on the picture opposite or this link BCP Draft Local Plan to see the plan – particularly page 68 to read the finer detail).

If you want to make your opinion known about this plan and any other issues, please take the opportunity to do this by following the Have Your Say link here.

(added 21/03/2024)

The Old St. Marks Church Hall on Alton Road looking for help



Hopefully some of our residents can help with this appeal that has been raised by St. Marks Church?

This old hall has been one of the foundations of the community for over 50 years, and as you can read, still plays a vital role for the children in the area via various groups such as Scouts, Brownies, Guides and a Mini Mice Pre-School. 

If you able to help with any of the tasks outlined, please get in touch by contacting one of the Hall Users or via this email address:

Jo Keeling, the chair of the Talbot Village Residents Association, has already contacted Talbot Village Trust, to see if they can offer a grant to help fund some of the work that needs carrying out. You can read this letter here
(added 04/03/2024)

L’arte closing on Sundays until further notice


L’arte is going to be closed on Sunday’s from the 10th March 2024 until further notice. 

Dan, the manager from the coffee shop, anticipates that the cafe will re-open later in the year, but for now there will be no opening on Sundays.

Dan apologises to any regular customers who do come in on a Sunday, but there is simply not enough patronage to continue opening each week.  

Further announcements will posted here if and when things change.
(added 03/03/2024)

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