This Week's Bin Collection:

No bin collections this week.

Issues Reported to BCP

This is a list of existing issues on the village that have been reported to BCP and are still outstanding (BCP Reference Number included where known).  Before you report an issue to the Council (see details on the Directory page on how to do this), please check here first to make sure the issue hasn’t already been reported.  If you do raise a new issue, please email with a brief description and a picture if you have one. 

SL-022772 Broken Streetlight plate exposing wiring

Bus Stop Shelter Outside Mickleham Close

Broken Streetlight Opposite Purchase Road

DF-010648 Flooded cycleway / path through the village near McWilliam Close

HD-027541 Subsided cycleway / path through the village near Drew Close

Completed Issues

Request for a Drop Kerb at AUB Entrance

HD-027103 Pothole outside Georgina Talbot House, Mickleham Close

Graffiti in Subway under Wallisdown Road

CPR203078 Rubbish on Cycleway between Caton Close and Baverstock Road