This Week's Bin Collection:

Rubbish: TODAY!!!

Membership Renewal

Thank you very much for wanting to renew your membership and re-join the TVRA.

In order to do this, all you need is the Membership Number and the Surname that is on your existing Membership Card or on the reminder email or letter that you received.  Fill in those details on the Form below, along with the payment amount you are making. As mentioned below, if you would prefer to pay by cash, please tick the box and someone will call to collect it when your new membership card is delivered.

If you haven’t got your Membership Number, then simply filling in your Surname and property details should allow us to proceed.  

If the breakdown of your household has changed, it would be appreciated if you could fill out your household details again (number of adults, number of children).  This is so your committee can keep accurate statistics on how many people we actually represent.

                  • Membership is still set at £5 for two years, £3 for one year. Decide which is most appropriate for you
                  • Once you have decided, please make a payment via your bank, or tick the box to indicate you’d rather pay cash.

Renewal Form

Name: Talbot Village Residents Association
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-96-73
Account Number: 01880913

If you would prefer to pay by cash, please tick the box and someone will call to collect it when your new membership card is delivered.

*Mandatory Fields are indicated with an asterisk