This Week's Bin Collection:

Recycling: Thursday, September 19th

Garden: TODAY!!!

Events for 2024

Upcoming TVRA Events

Litter Pick around the Village

The latest litter pick around the Village will take place on
Do please come along and help to keep the village nice and tidy.
We meet on the green opposite the village shop and pharmacy. Rubbish bags and picking tools will be provided
(added 16/07/2024)

Regular TVRA Events

Committee Meeting Dates

Your Committee meets bi-monthly on the first Monday of the month, unless that date falls on a public holiday. In those case’s the meeting is moved to the following Monday.

If you have any points for discussion that you would like the committee to discuss, please ensure you contact us at least 3 days in advance of any given meeting, so that your topic can be added to that months Agenda.
Please start your message with the following heading:

Below are the scheduled dates for this year’s meetings.
8th January
4th March
13th May
15th July
2nd September
4th November

(added 09/01/2024)

Upcoming Local Events

Autumn Equinox Celebration, Slades Park – Saturday 21st September


In conjunction with TVT, Slades Park are holding an afternoon of events to celebrate the Autumn Equinox on 21st September.

At 1.30pm and 2.30pm at Slades Park Cafe,  there will be family craft workshops making corn dollies (tickets available on Eventbrite, from £2 per person – Here )

At 4pm there will be a procession and fireside folk stories.  Meet outside the cafe at 4pm for the procession into the woods (free to attend, no booking required)

(added 08/09/2024)

St. Marks Church Vintage and Collectables Roadshow – 2nd October


There is an upcoming Vintage and Collectables Roadshow taking place at St. Mark’s Church Hall. 

2nd October 2024, 11am to 3.30pm.

According to the organisers, there are no Fees or Commissions, and its Cash for all your unwanted items.  Take them along for an assessment,  valuation and sell them.

For further information, use the contact details below.
Phone: 0800 4714751
WhatsApp: 07575 049555

(added 09/09/2024)

St. Marks Church Barn Dance – 12th October


There is an upcoming Barn Dance taking place at St. Mark’s Church Hall. 

12th October 2024, 7pm to 10pm.

Featuring the band Murphy’s Lore, it promises to be a fun evening.  All are welcome to attend.

For more details on the event itself and how to buy tickets,  please follow the Link Below, or click on the picture opposite.

St. Mark’s Church Barn Dance

(added 03/09/2024)

Talbot Primary Bonfire and Fireworks Night – 5th November



Talbot Primary School Bonfire and Fireworks will take place on Tuesday 5th November 2024.

This is always a very good evening and a very good display.  But as it is on the actual bonfire night this year, they have promised there will be an extra special display.

Ticket details will follow but for now, mark the date in your diaries and let friends and families know

(added 02/08/2024)

Regular Local Events

St. Mark’s Church Services

Details of all the regular services that take place at St. Marks Church have been provided to us.  Please click on the link or the picture for further details.  All are welcome, so please attend any service you would like to go to.

Church Service Times

(added 18/01/2024)

St. Mark’s Church Events

As well as the Church Services, St. Mark’s host quite a few regular groups in their church and church hall that you may be interested in taking part in or joining. Details of all the regular activities that take place have been provided to us.  Please click on the link or the associated picture for  details of all activities and how to join / attend.  

Activities in the Church

(revised 04/09/2024)

Sunday Morning Walking Group

The walking group that meets on a Sunday is going from strength to strength.  It has now been extended to twice a month, and will always occur on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.

Until further notice, the walk will commence from the Café entrance in Slades Farm.  Be there for 10am to take part and meet your fellow residents.

There is free parking readily available for those that are driving, both in the Slades Farm Car Park or on the roads nearby. 

If you bring your own cup, drinks can be bought at a reduced price.  Be aware the café is cashless, so a card is needed.

(revised 05/05/2024)

If you know of an upcoming local event nearby (within a 10 or 15 minute walk) that you want to let your fellow residents know about. Please contact us with details.