This Week's Bin Collection:

Rubbish: Tomorrow!!!

About us

The TVRA was originally set up in the mid 1990s and thanks to the efforts of all those involved, membership was increased to over 300+ households by 2018. However, the advent of Covid brought a pause to activities and once this pandemic had passed, the existing committee decided to stand down.

A new Committee was formed in April 2023 at the AGM, and with the aid of this web site we aim to increase the membership back to its previous levels. 

 The more members we have the stronger our collective voice will be when it comes to getting things done in the village

The main aim of the TVRA is to keep the Village nice and to improve it in any way possible. The Committee also acts as the main liaison with the local councillors and offers representation on any local developments that may occur.  More details about the current committee can be found lower down this page.


In the early years there were problems with Students parking around the Village. The TVRA managed to get parking restrictions brought in that prevent parking all day. 

The purchase and planting of trees for Fern Barrow, the road that runs around the village joint project with both the University and Arts Institute is to have the roundabout landscaped.

Your Committee

The committee generally meets up once every 2 months to discuss all ongoing or outstanding topics, and introduce any new issues that have been raised since the last meeting.

Chaired by Jo Keeling, the committee comprises a number of residents from around the estate.  Most are newly appointed since the AGM in April 2023, but Liz Dyble remains as Treasurer from the previous committee to maintain a level of continuity.

The meetings are always attended by a number of our local ward councillors too, and sometimes other people attend, such as a University representative.

Talbot Village Map

The red line on the map shows the boundary of the residential area that the TVRA covers.  The 2 universities have their own campus committees, but the TVRA keep a watching brief on anything of note that happens within the University campuses.  We have good relationships with both Universities and they give us free use of facilities, such as for the Children’s Christmas party held in December 2023 and 2024.  We have also started a new initiative with Bournemouth University, who are hosting and presenting a whole series of events for us – see our CommUNIty events page.